Friday 7 June 2013

Traveling around in Age of Wushu


   You can travel around Age of Wushu by foot, horses, stagecoach, teleport, boatman and flying skills.


    The stagecoach is one of the transport method to transport yourself between cities, for a minor fee of bound silver  .There is two type of stagecoach,Official Stagecoach and Village Stagecoach. Official stagecoach can transport you within the map and its also can transport yourself to other map. Village Stagecoach only can transport yourself within the current map.


   Boatman is another method of transport to transport yourself within the map by boat for a minor fee of bound silver .Boatman has the same function as Village Stagecoach.


   Traveling around by horses.Its easy mount a horse and travel around.You can get horse by completing certain mission, bought from horse seller NPC or from Item Shop.The horse you can by from horse seller NPC are Horse Whistle"Old Horse"@ 200 Liang of bound silver 
  ~There are 12 type of horses:

  •     -Old Horse
  •     -Fanyu
  •     -Ziyanliu Horse
  •     -Juedi
  •     -Rushing Cloud
  •     -Red Lightning
  •     -Yellow Horse
  •     -Mongolian Horse
  •     -Dayuan Horse
  •     -Hetao Horse
  •     -Lin Horse
  •     -Cloud


    Your can open teleport interface by pressing 'T" button.There are 4 type of teleport points:
    -School Teleport point,this teleport point will be automatically available after joining a
    -Jianghu Teleport Points, the 1st teleport points is available after character creation.
      your can unlock 2nd~5th teleport point by click 'extend' on the teleport interface.

  •        -2nd teleport point cost 1 liang of bound silver 
  •        -3rd teleport point cost 2 liang of unbound silver 
  •        -4th teleport point cost 4 liang of unbound silver 
  •        -5th teleport point cost 8 liang of unbound silver 
    -Guild Teleport points,are available after you join a guild with base teleport point

    -'Return to town for healing' is not the same as other teleport point.You can only
      back to this points by selecting 'go back to town to rest' after died.You change
      this teleport location at 'herbal hall doctor'.
   ~Teleporting has a Ten(10) Minutes cooldown.

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