Friday 31 May 2013

School Spy

School Spy

   School spying provide rich rewards and Experience.You can join school spying by bring up 'Mission Interface' and select the "school tab" at the top, then select "School Spy". You can bring up the 'Mission Interface' by click "N". You cannot spy your own school.You must be on other school area in order to join 'School Spy' .You can only do 5 times 'School Spy' a day.

   After you have join "School Spy" you will be teleported to a random location within the school. You will have 3 Spy Skill that you can use on offline player to get information or to evade detection from patrolling disciples.If you have your spy status expose and get killed, you will fail to complete the spy mission.

   After gathering enough information,you can go back to your school by teleporting or by foot.Report to "School Information Officer" to claim your rewards.You will receive large amount of experience, some jackdaw Herb, Bound silver coin and 2 School Honor Certificate.

Spy Skill name
Skilled Swordsman
This Skill can onlt used on “Scouting Disciple”.Sucessful castinf this skill,you will gain one(1) piece of information.Fail will increase 20 Exposure Value
Atack From Behind
This Skill can used on both “Scouting” and “Patrolling” disciple .
Sucessful use this skill on “Scouting Disciple” ,you will gain Three(3) pieces of information.
Sucessful use this skill on “Patrolling disciple”,you will gain a “Token
Fail will increase your exposure value by 100 and paralyzed for 30 seconds
Flying Locust Asking the Way
Can only cast on “Patrolling Disciple” to distract their attention.

Weekly Spy Task

   For every week,there is a spy task that you can accept at School Headmaster.To complete Weekly Spy Task ,you need to spy the school mention by the quest.Once you accept the quest,you will be given 20 "Master Detective's Token" that allow you to teleport to selected school immediately. Master Detective's Token can only be used by asking School Headmaster to teleport you to the selected school.
   You will received 70 School honor Certificate as rewards for completing the weekly spy task. Weekly spy quest will reset every week at monday 0.00 server time.

Exposure Value

   When a online player on patrolling status used "See Through Evil" patrolling skill on you, your exposure value will be increase by 30.Touching the white wave that an offline player disciple will increase exposure value by 10. When your exposure value reach 80, you can be attacked by patrollers. You can reduce you. Exposure Value by Using 'Token'. Each 'Token' you use will reduce your Exposure Value by 40.

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