Tuesday 28 May 2013

Internal Cultivation,Practice Martial Arts,Team Practice ( TP ) and Sacred Place

Team Practice ( TP )

    Team Practice is one out of 3 cultivation training method.This method is the fastest way to cultivate your skills.There are 4 different version of Team Practice : 10 rounds , 15 rounds , 20 rounds and 25 rounds. The maximum number of player can participate in a team is 10.It is highly recommended to have 10 player in a team, because that leads to the highest rate of cultivation.Doing Team Practice at Sacred Place will give bonus in cultivation rate that does not count towards Fatigue. You will not able to cultivate your skill if you have reach 100% Fatigue. Non-VIP player will only get 800 cultivation points / 1% Fatigue.VIP player will have addition 30% cultivation points compare to non-VIP
        -100% Fatigue = 80,000 Cultivation points for non-VIP
        -100% Fatigue = 104,000 Cultivation points for VIP
   To join a team practice right click on a player who has started a Team Practice and select "apply for team practice". You can also invite other player to join your team practice by left click on them and select "invite player for team practice". Members of the team will take turn playing Mini Games.When it is your turn, any combination of ↑,↓,→,←,J and K will appear.Successful completing the mini game will trigger "XX Consecutive Strike".The higher "Consecutive Strike" will give more Cultivation
Members who fail to complete the mini games will Break the "Consecutive Strike" chain and also all member of the team will not get any cultivation for the turn.

Internal Cultivation

   Internal Cultivation method passively cultivates your selected skill over times.The rate of cultivation will increased if your character is at scared place relevant to your selected skills.

Practice Martial Arts

   Player are required to spent silver coin to use this method.There is a limit of how much you  can spent a day.The limit for bound sliver coin   you can spent on"Practice Martial Arts" is 50 liang.You can spent as much as you want using unbound silver coin  .If you spent more than 150 liang of  for practice martial arts,you can use 200% of the amount of silver coin  to practice martial arts for Seven(7) days.If the player already has the 200% buff,then they will get a 400% instance.
   You may not able to use Practice Martial arts in some circumstance.Example ; Patrolling status, During Faction or Forbidden Instance etc.

Sacred Place

    Sacred Place is where provided you bonuses to your rate of skill cultivation.There are 5 different sacred place environment:Cave, Mountain, Forest, Snow and Water.
       Official Scared Place:
       -Royal Guard > 307 , 198 (Forest)          -Wudang > 568 , 170 (Mountain)
       -Scholars       > 564 , 706 (Water)          -Wanderer Valley > 58 , 10 (Mountain)
       -Beggar sect  > 393 , 355 (Forest)          -Emei  > 657 , -71

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